Thursday, 15 September 2011


Healthy skin diet is the key to clear beautiful skin. Diet is a very important factor in skin care. fruits in daily diet. There should be a proper balance diet in all meals in right proportion of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrate, fats and proteins. Non-vegetarians have rich amount of protein in their diet but vegetarian diet lacks it so they need to include good amount of proteins in their diet
Here’s how the Better Skin Diet will help cleanse your skin from the inside out so you can look and feel great. For starters: Don’t be fooled by diet products, topical treatments and special food regimens that promise flawless skin as you can them in the normal food as following:
Dietary choices such as fish, meat, liver, eggs, whole grains, peanuts, avocados and leafy green vegetables all have Vitamin B complexes. Making sure to include Vitamin B complexes in your healthy skin diet helps to maintain skin tone and has the additional benefit of reducing stress. A complete diet that contains a full range of vitamins and antioxidants will help to make your skin look and feel much better.

Skin Care For Acne

Acne or pimples, as some people call them, is a very common problem amongst the youngsters. With the help of anti aging tips and acne skin care products you can clear the acne on your face as well as prevent them from coming back.
Here are some things, that people whose skin is prone to acne, should stay away from:
  • Products which contain scrubbing particles should not be used on an acne prone skin. These particles irritate the skin and make the acne worse.
  • Avoid hair care that contains oil that can clog the skin pores and cause acne.
  • Many people try to pop the pimple to get rid of it. Doing this could irritate the skin and worsen the acne. Moreover, popping the pimple could leave a scar even after the acne has healed.
  • Skin care products that contain oil should be avoided. Due to the excess of oil the pimples come out. More oil will clog the pores and worsen the acne.
  • Some people rub alcohol on the acne affected area to dry out the oil in the pimples. This does not help to clear the acne; instead it irritates the skin and results in more pimple break outs.

3 Tips to Holistic Skin Care

Article by Laurel Levine
What if I told you a complete holistic skin care plan includes treating problems from the inside out and from the outside in? 100% pure skin care products and other health and beauty aids are a major part of the plan. Here’s a look at a good lifelong plan for a healthy youthful appearance.
Eat Right and Take Your Vitamins
Since one of the parts of holistic skin care is to treat problems from the inside out, you need to eat right. But, since eating right every single day is a hard, if not impossible, thing to do, you need to take your vitamins.
Foods that are good for the skin’s health are fruits, vegetables and fish like salmon. Foods that are bad are those that spike insulin levels, like simple carbohydrates. Fruits and vegetables fight free radical damage and reduce inflammation throughout the body. Salmon and other fish provide protein, which are the skin’s building blocks, and omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory activity and improve the skin’s moisture content.
Combine eating right with 100% pure skin care solutions and you’re well on your way to younger, healthier looking skin.

How To Get Healthy Skin – Natural Skin Care Tips You Can Use Instantly

Article by Neil Playfoot
So you wish to know how to get healthy skin? Skin health is important; if you have glowing skin it is a sign you’ve got great overall general health.
For most people possessing lovely looking skin goes hand in hand with losing weight and achieving that bikini body ready for the summer months. Here we offer you our top skin care tips. Let’s get started with foodstuffs that you can consume to improve the skin.
How To Get Healthy Skin – What Five Foods You Can Eat
It is obvious but eating well will undoubtedly enhance the health of your skin. Foods that you should stay away from include sugary treats and also dairy products but listed here are 5 foods that will enhance your skin as well as the rest of your body.
Water – Alright really not a food nonetheless crucial as it will help keep the skin hydrated which is essential to skin elasticity.
Blueberries – This specific fruit is high in anti-oxidants as well as helps purge “free radicals” from the body that causes damage to your skin.

ARTISTRY Acne Care Is Also Currently Delivering Top Notch Skin Care

Types Of Acne Solutions For All Forms
Almost everyone has been plagued with some type of acne or at least a rogue blemish that was set on ruining the day. Teenagers are the ones who run into problems with acne most often, due to increase in oil on their skin. However, there are acne solutions for anyone who experiences difficulties with even the slightest bit of acne. Blemishes have been around long enough that products offered include; face masks, scrubs, medicated pads, chemical peels, topical ointments, abrasive treatments, and prescription medication. Each of these products has a different function.
Face Mask:
Various substances are added to masks to achieve a drying effect. Natural face masks use mud as a base and then combine eucalyptus or peppermint for a cooling effect. Some masks have a clay base to them and can draw out quite a bit of oil.
Scrubs are used to exfoliate the skin, thus unclogging pores. Clogged pores are a huge cause of all sorts of acne. Most scrubs contain crushed up walnut shells, ground up apricot seeds, or pieces of pumice that will help to slough off any dead skin cells and keep pores clear. Besides the bits of shell, seed, or pumice, these scrubs also have a cooling effect and/or a moisturizer added to them.

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